Police Chief Thomas Michael Wensyel Of Mt. Pleasant Police Dept
Thomas Michael Wensyel Of Mt. Pleasant Police Dept. Police Chief Thomas Michael Wensyel Of Mt. Pleasant Police is a WOMANIZING, lieing, cheating B

Politics & Government

Tom Wensyl is a lier and a cheater! He cheats on his wife and treats women like shit! He f*cks them or TRIES to and then treats them like garbage! While "Chief" Wensyl is SUPPOSED to be out "patrolling" and "protecting" people he's out screwing women in the back of his cruiser and jerking off in the Police Station! STAY AWAY from this man! He's disgusting and vile and will have sex with ANY woman or GIRL!!!

Company: Police Chief Thomas Michael Wensyel Of Mt. Pleasant Police Dept
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Mt. Pleasant
Address: East Street, Mount Pleasant, Ohio 43939
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