AZ Guardians, Candace Bow CF#20388 & Claire GuthrieCF#20542 &Hospice AZ
Az Guardians, Candace Bow, Claire Guthrie, Hospice Arizona, RN BobbieLyn Moore fiduciry Vultures with License to steal strip assets of the vulnerable eldery without batting a lash

Politics & Government

Disguised as a social worker, a nurse, a new best friend and armed with an ice cold heart and a Fiduciary certificate from the Supreme Court, so entered Candace Bow. She has no concious, no shame, no compassion, no concern for the lives she destroys. She's in it for 1 thing and thats money, she's found an easy out, hide behind the robes of the Supreme Court. What vulnerable, elderly citizen wouldn't believe in the integrity of a Supreme Court certfied fiduciary? If they say it's good, it must be, thy are the Supreme Court after all.

Once the Hospice nurse told Candace about the depressed and lonely Mrs G it was no time till she lied her way into Carol's home and Bank accounts. It did not even phase Bow that she had to lie and see Carol plied with Morphine in prder to get her to sign POA papers. And Bow had it planned. The RN dosed Carole with the narcotics

Candace met Carol the 1st time and came loaded with all thew paper work to take the bank accts, place the home in trust, take vehicles, and medical POA. She brought her own Notary. As well. (Carol was never given copies of what she signed either). Then she pulled the son's friend aside and told her to sign as witness on the papers and they were "really nothing" she said then that she was a social worker and papers needed signing periodically for consistency and continuance of care, and she was in a rush and could she hurry and sign where directed. The friend did so believing she was doing the right thing for Carol who was getting more confused and disoriented lately.

Papers signed they put Carol into inpatient care where she was not allowed visitors unless they gave the password. Alienated and confused even more so Carol lay there alone and wondering where her son and the rest of us were. Why did we not visit her like before? Alienate and frieghten This little b*h was cruel! Her roomate died that evning, then the next roomate died as well. Carol asked Bobbie how long she had, she said maybe 2 months. That was abit over 2 months ago.

Meanwhile we have no clue of any POA and Hospice would not tell us who she was or why the password. Later I read the chart and saw under Family and friends only Candace Bow was listed! Those nurses knew damn well Carol has a son who she loves very much, he is her live in care giver and she was alienated from us because of the greedy self serving vultures who go unscathed by their detructive web of deciept.

Once we found out what wasgoing on, Carol stopped taking the morphine they were using to keep her quiet and got better and came home. But Candace had shut off all uitilities changed Carol's mailing address to her own, started to put the home in trust opened a new bank account, pirated Carol's monthly SSI and Pension checks into her own new Chase account owned jointly with Dean Witter or or some other investment firm.

She paid none of Carol's bills with the pirated money. (she knew deposit dates and withdrew the money on the same day She sent Carol $100.00 once in Sept. Carol's checks total close to $4000.00/month and she was given$100.00 to live on.

This b*h is suppossed to act in the clients best interest, not her own, not co-mingle monies, not iognore the morgage, car payment etc. She wnted the loans ti default so she could show off and be seen as the trustee to an estate auction and profit monitarily as well.

Does she call to see how Carol is in the home with no utilities, no mail, No damn money!!! She told Caril she "didn't think she was ever going home again "and so she made all those changes. Bull, they were part of the olan or it wouldn't have gone down so quick. The nurses should have taken a history where they would see Carol is easily sedated and they should never have givenMSO4 as they did (mixed it with Ativan too. I believe they knew exactly what thjey were doing but I blew it by catching on

When Bow finds out we are on to her she threatens Carol she'd 'prove her incompetant in cour"t and she would "run the estate as planned"" We cut of her POA and informed bank of her fraudulent schemes but she still wont return Caroles money, fudged a phoney finacial report to show the judge claiming outrageous out of pocket expenses and showing Carol owes her! She uses Caol's son Tom as her scapegoat saying her finances could be better managed by Bow because her 40 year old son lives rent free, drives her car, eats her food.
It's not her business. He is her care giver. He cooks, cleans, drives her to appointments, shops, does laundry, the yard etc. And it is his home too.

Company: AZ Guardians, Candace Bow CF#20388 & Claire GuthrieCF#20542 &Hospice AZ
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Fountain Hills
Address: 16206E Sawik Circle
Phone: 4808361221
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Candace Bow, Arizona Guardians
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