MCI Worldcom
Rip Off

Politics & Government

I got the cell phone on May21 it was like 3 months to get my frist payment and with two phones it was hi be for I could get it pad my Husbands phone was truned off it tuck three weeks and a new nub. To get it back on and I still got a big bill it said I was going over by 100 min.

I called to get my min. S sent to me I my min. S run from the 18 to the 19 thay had it from the 13 to the 14 and dont no how long that was going on see all I can get was for the two months we was in and now I pad my bill on jan. 14 on my bank card and Feb 1 I get my phone trun off I call they said I did not pay my bill and here I was looking at it on my bank card it was for $231.43 they said I went over 100 min. S I work all day I dont have time to be on a phone all day I still dont have my phone on it has been 3 weeks now see my payment was put on my Husbands phone they say if I wont my phone back on I will aft to get a new nub.

Even no I was not the one that did it some one at Customer Service did it but it dus not matter they can do what they wont and we dill and I did get a call form the Collection Agence she said are you going to pay your bill I said no I did pay it I have good credit and now it can be you no what I am saying

Help in Fla.

Company: MCI Worldcom
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: P.O Box 5211
Phone: 18002548991
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