Majic jack
Majic jack - gave away my phone number I had for over 2 years

Mobile Phones

I have been using the magic jack phone for more than 2 years and did not have a huge issue, until recently. I was away from home for about 4 months and did not take my phone with me. I had used this phone and same number for all this time and all my bank accounts, credit card companies and local utilities and insurance companies had this phone number as my contact number. When I returned home 3 weeks ago, I found out that my phone number had been given away, the same day we tried to get this straightened out with Magic jack. My computer developed a trojan horse virus. I don't know if these issues were related or not, but I have spent several hours on the computer with their live chat customer service and I still have not had my issue resolved. My service is paid up thru May but they will not even try to resolve this and give me another permanent number for my business accounts. I am exhaused just trying to resolve this. I am 75 years of age and my drs office is not able to reach me on my home phone because they will not assign me a new number after giving the other one away. I don't know what to do, any suggestions. I have thought of contacting my state attorney to stop their scam.

Company: Majic jack
Country: USA
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