T-Mobile Wireless
Poor customer service

Mobile Phones

Just wanted people to know i have been with t-mobile six years automatic pay out of my account without fail, they made a mistake on my billing and refused to correct. Why no idea, i could not believe are they so desperate for money they want to screw their own customers. Cancelled and went with another service. Also so many dropped call cannot even count should of changed alot sooner. Hopeful the new service is much better!!!

Company: T-Mobile Wireless
Country: USA
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Incorrect Billing - Billing and customer service

T-mobile automatic billing sucks - Will not give REFUNDS, TERRIBLE Customer Service

Consumer Report

T - mobile takes your money sent by "billpay" then, when they miss apply the money to another's account uses small print in contract to get you to pay more or disconnects you. No ifs, ands or buts! ALBEQUERQUE, New Mexico

T-Mobile USA
Don't Choose T-Mobile - T-Mobile Cell Phone Plan

Customer Service

T-mobile.com, T-mobile Wireless Internet Service Cost Me Over $350 for Crappy Service Purchased Online

Customer Service Defrauding their customers, poor customer service, they defraud money from their customer, you can't talk to someone in their corporate office. Their customer service representatives will not satisfy

T-Mobile (Cellular Company)
T-Mobile Cellular Billed for calls not made!

AT&T Wireless
Unlimited mobile to mobile really isn't! Atlanta Georgia