Very poor customer service - Cell phone

Mobile Phones

Please wait while we find an agent to assist you... You have been connected to ~Barbara R. Elvis sharp: help...~Barbara R: Hello, welcome to T-Mobile Chat service, Elvis. My name is Barb and for your reference my rep ID is 13-20436. First, please allow me one moment to review the information you have provided.

~Barbara R: Thank you for your patience Elvis, I am to understand you are chatting in today with regards to needing help

Elvis sharp: yes... Heres the deal. I transfered to tmobile from att... I was supposed to get my phones today, but it looks like they only shipped today. I dn't think ill get my phones for another two days... But my att sim just got deactivated about 1hr ago... Why? Now i have absolutly no phone... How did this happen?

~Barbara R: Did you not get a SIM with your new phone?

Elvis sharp: i don't have the phones

~Barbara R: I thought you said you got 1 phone.

Elvis sharp: no, i said that i was supposed to get them today, but they only shipped today... How can my sim from att be deactivated unless tmobile already ported my number before i can call in?

~Barbara R: Is the number you entered for chat your AT&T number?

Elvis sharp: yes

~Barbara R: It is active with us then.

Elvis sharp: i know... But i dont have an tmobile phone or sim card... What now? I have no phone

~Barbara R: I am sorry I can not quicken the delivery of your phones.

Elvis sharp: im sure you can't. But that doesnt solve my problem... First how did this happen, and two what is your company doing to solve this problem? I rely on my phone for work, home and personal life and now i can't do any of that

Elvis sharp: there was no disclamer stating that i would be phoneless for "x" amount of time

~Barbara R: I understand, when the transfer request was set it should of been future dated. I can not have your number transferred back to AT&T to activate there again.

Elvis sharp: ok... So how do i call my boss for tomorrw and tell me about my current dilema? I was hurt on the job today and am supposed to call him tomorrow regarding work... How will i accomplish this?

~Barbara R: I am sorry that this has happened to you.

Elvis sharp: so am i... But that isn't helping me

Elvis sharp: are you there?

~Barbara R: With it being a new activation I am unable to look up your order as well.

Elvis sharp: i have an email telling me that its just been shipped... Fine, but in the meantime i am phoneless... This is an error by your company... So what can be done to help or statisfy me?

~Barbara R: I am sorry that the number was ported so quickly.

~Barbara R: Elvis, do you mind if I research this for you and I will be happy to further assist you. This could take 3-5 minutes, is that ok?

Elvis sharp: ok, please hurry

~Barbara R: Thank you for your patience.

~Barbara R: I have spoken with my supervisor and I will set a follow up for the 26th of this month. I will credit your account for the amount of days you did not have usage of your phone.

Elvis sharp: 26th? That still doesnt really help. I would like my activation fees waived, since activating my phone before i got them was your companies fault and now i have to figure out what to do in the meantime... This is not good for feedback for your company... I d be fine allowing an error to happen as long as i was really taken care of, but you haven't listened to me, you havent been properly reading my questions and have been giving me vague repsonses... I can't believe a huge company like tmobile would train and allow this kind of customer service... I shouldnt have to repeat myself..

~Barbara R: I am not ;asking you to repeat yourself. I am sorry that you did not get your phones before your number was ported over. I do not have permission to waive the activation fee.

Elvis sharp: you are not what? When i first got on here i stated that i didnt have my phones, then you asked if i had sim cards, then you asked if i had one phone. Then you said my number was activated with tmobile, so yes you aren't reading or listening to me, but that isn't my concern, my concern is for my not having phones because of this... If i was some high profile figure, you wouldn't be talking to me like this, you'd be solving the problem. I am saving this chat, i will be doing everything i can to expose this unless you can swallow your pride and help me. I am not the one that messed up... I have stayed calm and explained very clearly what has happened, there is no reason for you to get defensive... What would you do if it had been you? Just bend over and allow it?

Elvis sharp: one kind of solution might be you asking me if i have access to a tmobile phone, and then you having me go to a tmobile store and they can give me a temp sim card. I do have an old tmobile phone...

~Barbara R: Again I am sorry that this issue with not having your phone to be able to call work has happened. I have permission to credit the non usage of the phone. I do not have permission to waive the activation fee.

~Barbara R: We do not give out temporary SIM cards.

~Barbara R: I am sorry that this chat has been miscommunication.

Elvis sharp: so what are you saying, that you might credit me 5 dollars? What if i have an emergency here at home? And you never did answer me about what if it had been you? Would you have been satisfied with your repsonse?

~Barbara R: I apologize that I have not been able to resolve the issue of you number being ported before you received your phone.

Elvis sharp: this is very unacceptable.

~Barbara R: If I was the customer yes because on the agreement for the number being transferred it states that the number can port within 24 hours.

Elvis sharp: it can be ported within 24 hrs huh... Well gee that makes me feel better. It also said that shipping would be 2-4 days, but that's out the window too...

~Barbara R: Again I am sorry for this issue. Was there anything else I can assist you with?

Elvis sharp: sounds like your dumping me huh... Im sorry too that this is as much as you care about your customers...

~Barbara R: I am sorry there is nothing that I am able to do. I can not have the phones delivered any faster and I can not send you a SIM card because the phones would be delivered before the SIM cards.

~Barbara R: I regret that we are unable to access orders for new lines of service via Chat. However, you can contact our Tele/Web Sales Department at 1-800-866-2453 for assistance with this. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Company: Tmobile
Country: USA
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