Free Ringers
Very poor customer service

Mobile Phones

I logged in to this company to purchase ringtones on my phone. My card was charged immediately but then I have not been able to use the service and had not been able to find any assistance from them. I finally got a reply from their sales department repeatedly refusing to issue a refund. This is really the only reply they send is that they do not issue refunds and now they are blocking my emails. If I could use the service there would not be a problem but since I can't I feel I should receive my money back and be done with it

I would strongly recommend that everyone stays away from Free Ringers

Company: Free Ringers
Country: USA
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Phonezoo Ringers
Phonezoo ringers ripoff

Free ringtones
Ordered ringtones have not received my ringtones i emailed them they gave me no response, no call back i have been emailing a lot

CSW Ringtones
I'm being charged without my authorization!
Lied about free ringtones took my prepaid minutes

Boost Mobile
No free ringtones

CSW (Verizon Wireless)
Confirmed unwanted ringtone subscription

Scam does not have real music ringers to download Online
Outline Depot When I e-mailed them with a complaint, they threatened to sue me!
Ingtones not downloading