Heathlier Balance Health Products, LLC
Consumer Report


Company never shipped FREE sample and then enrolled me in their Monthly product shipment program. No email or mail confirmation so there was no way to contact them.
Finally got a shipment and was able to call them. They "said" they would take care of the charges but only gave a 50% credit. Contacted them several times to resolve, even with my Discover Card Rep, and the Manager, Justin, just kept saying that I should have read the terms and conditions and that I should never have been offered any discount. This COMPANY does not know what the word CUSTOMER SATISFACTION means.
I will never purchase from them.

Company: Heathlier Balance Health Products, LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
Site: healthierbalance.com
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Colon 700
Unathorized Charges

Acaiaslim - FitFactory.com
Do not order free trial sample, unauthorized charges

Consumer Report

OpenCabin. PE LABS, Pure Energy Products, phony offer for "free trial" of phentrazine, false advertising

CCA - First National Credit
Ripoff Attempt

Oral Bright free sample if you provide your credit card for shipping 30 days later you get charged 49.95 for another shipment

United Collection Bureau
If you do not pay this immediately, you and your family will go to prison

SCS Health Products, Acai Berry
Charges to account!

Consumer Report

Mail Boxes
Ripoff deception lies