Consumer Report


I feel foolish letting this fake co. Take $16.95 out of my checking account all this time. I thought it was a charge for a service for the internet or hell i don't know? But every month they were right on time getting $16.95 out of my checking account without my permission. On a fixed income that really adds up. I would like to see them strung up an pay us back.

Company: BargainLink
Country: USA
City: Montreal
Address: 460 St. Paul Street East, Suite 330
Phone: 8003751795
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Wpi*ifriend Vip 800-ifriend Fl Us
6.95 a month adds up Internet internet

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

They took money out of my checking account without permission. I am a recent widow who is on a fixed income. Who has to support my family, I do not like when someone does this to innocent people. I would like to get my money back. Neveda
Unauthorized Debit To My Checking Account

USA Benefits
Took money out of my checking account 49.95{9-30-09]49.95[10-01-09, $99.00[9-30-09] $99.00[10-08-09 ]. It was pat toEDEBITPAY. I had also overdraft fee $39.00 every time they went in my checking account

Safe National of America
Took money out of my checking account without permission and it made me go over the limit 75.00

USA Credit
Misrepresented their credit card offer and charges for credit card

MKS Privacy Plus
Ripoff unauthorized debit to checking account Internet

Tribute MasterCard
Withdrew unauthorized money from my checking ripoff