E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report


I had my account put on hold over 1 month ago and they charged my credit card $99.90 0n the 10/25. I would like this charge taken off my card asap. Please notify me as to the result of this charge.

Company: E-Cigs Brand
Country: USA
Phone: 18668202464
Site: ecigsbrand.com
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Regal Cigs
Consumer Report

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

Ecig brand
Consumer Report

Ripoff not up in smoke

Regal Cigs
Consumer Report

Regal Cigs
Regal Cigs Biggest RipOff

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

Optima Cigs
Consumer Report

Internet ripoff ordered cigs on 12/7/09 and today is 12/22/09 still no cigs pd $65 they have my money I have no cigs

Regal Cigs
Consumer Beware Deceitful not forthcoming with Disclosure