Hida Group Co, LTD
Consumer Report


I ordered 1320 bags (19.8metric tonnes) of Cat fish feed from the company. After paying the balance to them on receiving the bill of lading i lost contact with them. Product delivered was different from samples sent (delivered Carp fish feed instaed of cat fish feed), quantity not complete (529 (25kg bags (13.2metric tonnes) instead of 1320 (15kg) bags. All efforts to reach them through their email (hidafeed@188.com) phone numbers (8653266060710,8653266060713) Proved abortive. Their website www.hidafeed.com has expired. They have changed their address from what we have above to (HIDA GROUP CO., LTD
Add: Unit n, 17/F, Phase 2, Goldfield Building, 144-150 Tai
Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong). All efforts to reach them through the new adress has also failed

Company: Hida Group Co, LTD
Country: USA
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Dirty fish tanks - Complaints

Somethingsphishy.inc, Keith Titus
DO NO BUY FISH FROM KEITH TITUS, FISH DEAD, Called a Lyer, He would not cooporate in anyway

2 fish delivered were dead

Groupon/bobah fish
Flying fish

Not good at all

Ripoff, false advertisement, deffective product, refused help, fraudulant billing

Consumer Report

Walmart customer review

Black Dragon Industrial Company Limited
Non deilvery of goods - No Communication. Rip-off! Nt

Dead Fish