Flowers are never sent, yet they charge same day delivery fee


Never order flowers through GoFlowers or Flowers and Balloons that it represents! It is a total scam. You will only be embarrassed that your arrangement did not get delivered and your good intent will not show to the party you wanted to honor. This online company lists as a member of Better Business Bureau. If that is real, it BBB should not allow them to use their name. I ordered a same day floral arrangement for sympathy in the morning. I was promised delivery by no later than 6 PM. Not only did the flowers not get delivered on the same day as promised, they still were not delivered by the evening of the next day! It turns out they did not even put the order to the local florist after the florist's closing hour at 6:45 PM on the day the order was made. I lost hours in agony trying to reach a responsible person, but they simply have an answering service where people say they just answer the phone and all they can do is send a message to the shop and someone should call me back. Nobody calls back and nobody has the authority to even cancel the order for lack of delivery. I am having to go through my credit card company to dispute the charges as two days later the flowers are still not delivered and since I cannot even cancel directly through the company! A total disaster of a service! Absolute scam! You cannot rely on GoFlorist.com which apparently represents Flowers and Balloons. I wish I had handpicked the flowers and arranged them in a basket and driven the two hours to leave it on the door step of the family with a sympathy note myself. It would have taken a day but that would have been faster and more pleasant and more convenient. A total joke! A bad one unfortunately! Don't give them your business if you do not want to end up empty handed and with a grand headache.

Company: GoFlorist
Country: USA
Address: Flowers and Balloons online CA
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Will go with 1-800 flowers next time

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