American Media Group
Consumer Report


This involves an affiliate program with Mileage Max (US Fuel Max). I have had no job and cannot collect unemployment since February and therefore got involved, in good faith. This included cookie cutter advertising, along with 8 sample bottles of product, a web page, and unlimited customer service. They were very quick on taking my hard earned money with no follow through as promised since. I have called and written about the copy machine advertising to no avail including not answering the phone 1 (866)-440-4011 continuously and my website became inactive after a few months with no results at all with no support at all as if they ran out of town. Not even an e-mail, they just disappeared... I Hope they have a conscience, for I am still unemployed and am getting closer to going broke, since I still cannot collect. This whole thing is a scam to me.

Company: American Media Group
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85012
Address: 5025 N Central AVE 366
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US Fuel Max and American Media Group
Consumer Report

More Mileage Now
True West Media Company that is marketing Mileage Maxx, a fuel additive to improve gas mileage

The Results Group
Is a total scam, ripped me off for $5,000.00, they made me promises that I would make alot of money and had to do nothing with the Guarnteed Traffic Advertising

Media Corp Worldwide - American Media Group
Media Corp Worlwide - American Media Group infomercial company Scams another Inventor RIPOFF

More Mileage Now, LLC
Mileage Maxx Business Potential Short on Fuel

Sherman Shultz - Incorporated Music Group - IMG
Sherman Shultz, Incorporated Music Group AKA IMG Rip-off! Big Talker No Action, Run-around King, Refund Policy is a Joke! Scam!

Four Seasons Heating and Cooling
Deceptive sales

Assurance Plus, Diverse Marketing Concepts
Assurance Plus - Diverse Marketing Concepts Non-performance of contract on internet affiliate programs Guaranteed 15,000 targeted visitors in 12 months have four hits in 3 months

The Results Group TRG
Scam of the century revealed ripoff

Ashley Sears - Mike Dungan - Advertising Unlimited
Ashley Sears & Mike Dungan From Advertising Unlimited This company ripped me off for approximately $18,000.00 Phoenix AZ