US Fuel Max and American Media Group
Consumer Report


On 4/12, I entered into a business proposition with US Fuel Max.US Fuel Max referred me to their marketing partner, American Media Group. I was told that the best way to make money with US Fuel Max was to advertise on tv and radio. AMG promised to market my product as stated for a fee of $4500.00 and to build me a website for my orders. My contact in AMG said that to build the advertisements, it would take several months. During that time, we would be working on producing the most effective ads. I received 1 sample DVD which had only music and visual aids: no speaking. I tried to contact the representive at AMG to discuss this and found his phone to be disconnected. I also tried to contact the companies directly; however, all I got was a machine. The emails that I sent, come back undelivered. I do not know what to do next.

Company: US Fuel Max and American Media Group
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85012
Address: 5025 N Central AVE 366
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Mystic Auto Parts

Empire Waste
Over charging Fuel Surcharges

CMH Industries - - CA40g
Fuel additive that plugs your fuel system and must replace fuel tank and fuel system

Valero Gas Station #1415
Falsely Calibrated Pump which overcharged me by over $7.00

CMH Industries, Inc.,, CA40g
Sold fuel additive that doesn't mix with gasoline and plugged up my entire fuel system

General Motors
2000 GMC Sierra Fuel Pump Issue

Pace Petroleum (BP Fuel Station)
Patcham BP Fuel Station, A23 Petrol SCAM - This fuel station will RIP YOU OFF and dispense NO FUEL Brighton

DHL Express
Fuel Surcharge Rip Off of Millions of Customers

Global Automotive of America
Seller of Defective Fuel Pumps

Enterprise Car Rental
Consumer Report