Unknown Person Claiming To Be From Microsoft
Consumer Report


Unknown man keeps calling claiming to be from microsoft wanting access to my computers because he said someone was trying to hack my computer. He has called numerous times in the past month. The number he is calling from is 121 277 7345

Company: Unknown Person Claiming To Be From Microsoft
Country: USA
  <     >  


Azure Computers Corp
Consumer Report

Online bill. ms.net
I assume this should be Microsoft, but looks to be a fraud. Unauthorized charges to my business bank account for $6.00 each month for several months, Microsoft says it was not them

Claiming to be from Microsoft
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Unknown individual claiming to represent Microsoft
Consumer Report

Impersonator for Microsoft
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Microsoft Claim Department Scam
Consumer Report

Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Office XP Standard for students and teachers can only be used in ONE computer victimized many consumers ripoff fraud business

KBK InfoTech
Consumer Report