Mr Hayden Whittake
Consumer Report


I foolishly fell for the inheritance scam and I paid out £1,700. The money I paid was by bank transfer to an account in a Nationwide bank in the U.K. I sent the payment info and forms that I had prined off to prove to the bank of this person that I had been scammed and this person was abusing their account but I have never heard anything back.

I have the details of the Nationwide bank that this person who scammed me uses and where I transferred the money to and can give you all the information if you think you can get me the money back.

Thank you

Company: Mr Hayden Whittake
Country: USA
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David Tharnarat
Consumer Report
Defrauded, ripped me off, scammed me Intenet
Quads Bay Inc. They had me for $10,330.00 I did a bank transfer and luckily the bank i sent the money to sent it back marked fraudulent

USA find ripoff ripped off and scammed

Cellular One
Money taken from my bank account will not tell who did it

American Benefit Services
Wanted my bank info, just to send me a form to sign

Brentwood Bulldogs
I have also been riped off by this compnay Florida

Mr Ng Wai Man Vincent
Consumer Report

Juniper, Barclays Bank
Balance transfer scam NAtionwide

Bank Of America