Investigative Wealth Division
Consumer Report


I have spent almost $30,000.00 on this scam and the last letter was in regards to the above amount of over a million dollars i just want these scammers stopped and money and if possible compensation from these scum of the earth. I am a single mum with 6 kids and this was my life savings sent to them

Company: Investigative Wealth Division
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Prize Search Express
They made me think I won three million dollars and being a single parent with two kids. My Hopes got up there and now as I'm reading this, I'm very disappointed ripoff

National Award Commission
Ripoff of 11.89 for nothing and i'm tired of it kansas city, mo

Maria Duval
Scam Artist. Low life scum of the earth

George Petersen
Aka Dead Beat Dad He is scum

Sent me the letter about i won 3 million dollars send in 20 dollars ripoff

D.R.D. Award Payment Release Division
These scam artists ripped me off, sent me a letter saying that I won One Million Four Thousand Dollars to the exact penny. I still have my letter and the money order I sent them for 20.00

Wealth Traders Netherlands
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Numerological resource center analysis division. Official nrc new life winner of 2,875, 000.00