Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report


I recieved a letter stating that I had won 2 million dollars all I to do is sent a money order of $11.98 and i will be recieving checks of the amount of $66,667.00 dollars for 30years I am really upset because I am a single mother of 4 small kid and here struggling thinking that I did win and i thought i was going to finally give my kids there first christmas and hoping to get all my bills pay i am really distoryed by this i demand for them to give me what they say i won because they are notting but liers putting people through this they wrong. I hope juctice is serve thank you

Company: Award Notification Commission
Country: USA
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Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

National Awards Commission
Award notification commission award notification commission

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award notification commission of kansas city
Award notification commission of kansas city james mallory won a 2 million kansas city, Kansas

Award Notification Award
They are trying to scam me to get my personal information. Kansas

Award Notification Commission
You have won 2,000, 000.00 please send us 11.89 to get your millions

Awards Notification Committee
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission Of Kansas City Ks
Award Notification Commission Of Kansas City they are a rip off