Jessica Katzaman-Ray
Jessica Bryant Ignoramus, Lying Liar, Workplace Violence Fantasizer, Blacklist Participator, Sheep-le, Taxpayer-Waster, Freddy's Fan, Ethical Stupidity You Can Count On


Jessica Katzaman-Ray. How much do people really want to know about her? She claims she's a good employee, but is she really? This daughter of Ray & Nadya Katzaman really isn't what she seems. Her life is a tale told by an idiot because she is, IOHO, an idiot.

There are some things about Jessica Katzaman-Ray that many people may already know.

Did you know that Jessica Katzaman-Ray lies to get competent and ethical people fired from their jobs while employed by the City of Austin? She's such a liar that she couldn't even get a question right on Fantasy Island. Her actions are so despicable she cost the City of Austin millions of dollars in construction costs alone. She's one reason taxes have to be increased in her hometown of Austin, TX.

In one instance where she participated in the unlawful firing of one of her co-workers, Jessica claimed employees are given 10 minutes to leave, which is much different than the witness over the phone overheard. Heck, she cannot even differentiate voices between a man and a woman over the speakerphone within 5 feet! She definitely has a hearing problem unless she is distracted by a shiny and/or green object.

Jessica's favorite jokes according to publicly available documents include fantasizing about employees bringing machine guns to work and killing their co-workers. She was not fired from the City of Austin for this back in July even though the City of Austin has a zero tolerance policy against this type of behavior. She decided to lie in an City of Austin HR investigation to keep her job, even when she witnessed workplace bullying by this employee's bosses all the time. We wonder what kind of example she sets for her two daughters. It's not a really good one. We wonder what she would do if one of her daughters was raped. Based on the encounters, we'd say she would do nothing about it.

Thanks to Jessica's actions, this employee has been unemployed for over a year. Thanks to Jessica, this employee may not live because that person can no longer afford the medical insurance for his/her life saving medication. Jessica even participated in having this employee jailed for requesting past pay stubs for his/her medication. Thanks to Jessica's actions, this employee had to spend money on a lawyer to stay out of jail. It is alleged Jessica participated in stuffing stolen property and using Austin PD to force that employee to accept it. The video of this is quite extraordinary.

For Jessica Katzaman-Ray, sister of Jennifer Cross, lying to gain a personal advantage is a way of life!

Jessica even claimed she performed engineering on her LinkedIn profile even though she was not educated in it at all. We expect her to lie because for her, it's a way of life, like she did to several City of Austin employees who were smarter than she was.

People can't believe she's a 2000 graduate of Bowie High School and a 2004 graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park when they see the documentation for themselves. We wonder how excited her ex-husband Adam Bryant will get when he discovers his ex-wife is an ethically challenged b*ch.

Based on Jessica's actions, it's no wonder Adam had to leave the state to work and refuses to assist in paying child support for Jessica's two small daughters.

There are some things people can do about Jessica Katzaman-Ray's atrocities against anyone she comes into contact with, especially her fellow co-workers. For example, they can refuse to get their hair done at Shag Salon by Senior Stylist Joel Ray. People can also refuse to rent properties owned by Joel Ray in Hays County, TX.

The Katzaman-Ray family. Thanks to their daughter Jessica Katzaman-Ray, they are straight forward
ethical stupidity you can count on! Only in Austin!

Company: Jessica Katzaman-Ray
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 11519 Jim Thorpe Lane
Phone: 5127893267
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