Universal Accounting Cente
Consumer Report


Universal accounting center (uac) preying on the unemployed tuition scam!

I was simply looking for a job so I could pay my bills when I wound up on all the online job boards sifting through the misrepresentations filling up my inbox. After receiving several notices, I thought a seminar would be a good way to meet people in the community, gain some insight about the accounting field and, hopefully, pick up some new leads. How was I to know it was a student recruitment entitled "Start and Build Your Own Successful Accounting Service". They said that in just 3 hours:

"Your professional career in accounting may never be the same. You will learn how to start and build your own accounting business and finally get paid what you are worth. You will have a clear competitive advantage with a system that will assure the quality of your work and your success in attracting and retaining your own clients."

After the seminar they began hounding me at home. One night about 8PM the phone rang. I had to answer my phone. I was looking for a job. Well, after about an hour (1hr, 09min) of listening to the Senior Enrollment Director, Christine Petersen, aggressively describe my wildest dreams of building a successful career in my field of study, she was congratulating me on my new enrollment to UAC. What? Wait a minute. I'm unemployed. I've depleted my savings. I'm already a full-time student at a highly accredited college. I just earned an AA degree and presently studying for a bachelor's. I have no time or money available for anything else. I made that clear in our conversation.

Now I cannot get back my initial payment of $372, which is what I thought was the total cost. I cannot return the books without paying a 15% restocking fee of an equal amount with a threat that it would be damaged so I'd better pay the insurance too. I owe $870 for missed installments and now threats of collections against me for over $6,600. I need a lawyer or this account will remain on my credit report for years. This is making it difficult to get a job much less obtain credit.

Company: Universal Accounting Cente
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

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