Andre Johnson
Consumer Report


This is a man that I met on We started talking about a month ago via email. He then proceeded to tell me he was over in Lagos Nigeria on business trying to get money his father's employees owed him as his father and mother were both killed in an accident. He stated he he was arrested and on house arrest and needed to pay taxes on the $150,000 check that he had and for bail money. I then recieved an email from a Dr. Michael from Jordan hosptial stating he was in a fatal accident and he was hosptialized and if nobody came to him that they would stop treatment because he had internal bleeding and head wound. Andre Johnson stated he had a friend Matthew over there that was helping by giving him money to. I sent him $650 via western union.

Company: Andre Johnson
Country: USA
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Western Union FSI
Ripoff Paid $1800 sent to my Dad to wrong person and refuses to refuses to refund my money ripoff

Mitchelle Anderson
Consumer Report

Union Bank Of Nigeria - Barrister Raymond Kalu
Ripoff: I borrowered $200 and sent as part of $1900 he said was needed to have the account changed over to my name. Lagos

Steven Johnson
Consumer Report

Robert Wilkins
Consumer Report

Facebook and Yahoo messager and person
Consumer Report

Barrister Victor Johnson
Esq. The Global Finance Service Operation Worldwide Nig. Ripoff try to pull this scam of having 25 million dollars shipped to me in the U.S.A. Nigeria

Capt. Goodwin Andre
Consumer Report

LaTONYA jOHNSON & Barrister David Aris
Consumer Report

Union Bank Of Nigeria
Ripoff Lagos