A total rip off. Provides nothing more than free information. Suggests it provides background info


The site suggests that you can find information on people - arrest records, criminal history, and even marriage or death information. We tried putting in people we knew, even in our family and nothing but names and addresses or P. O boxes came up. It is like a pay-for Megans Law, which you can get for free. There is no additional information. However, this site is arip off - they know it. You sign up and the payment is made. Most people then call to cancel, which they are glad to do, only after they have your money. This is a scam site. It does not provide the criminal history or arrest records even for known criminals.

Company: Instant
Country: USA
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Instant Checkmate

Software Doctor Inc
No public record search results

CIS I nformation, driving records, Criminal records, Arrest history, Background check

Did not provide accurate information of people I looked up, looked up ppl I knew that had records & shown none

Instant CheckMate, Find the truth about anyone Results of background search are Bogus. Tested with known Felons produced innaccurate or no results of crminal records. Spent $25 to try it out. Then when I called for refund would only give back $12

CIS Nationwide
Free Public Arrest Records False and damaging Arrest Records

Instant Checkmate
Instant Checkmate gives false information

Instant Checkmate LLC
Instant Checkmate Totally Inaccurate info and cancellation routine is a scam

Instant checkmate
Bad, wrong, missing information

Instant Checkmate LLC Information is not updated. Which makes you believe there is no criminal record, when there could be one