Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report


I answered their Internet advertisement for a free sample which required my credit card for a $2.60 shipping fee. Somehow this got me into a shipment of their product for /- $75.00 per month. I was not agreeing to that commitment, I did not want those shipments and I did not authorise my credit card to be debted those amounts. I am an old age pensioner on limited fixed income. My mistake was having anything at all to do with this company. Do not fall for this scheme, do not give your credit card for shipping costs only on anything over the internet. They will allege by clicking on the request you are entering a contract for a monthly supply. This is misleading to the point of being fraudulent mis-representataion. It is not a lawful enforcable contract.

Company: Evening Sky, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
ZIP: 33558-4839
Address: 18015 Sant Angelo Dr
Phone: 8559373871
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Hydroderm, IMX Hydroderm
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