RBCI Secure Group for Mystrey Shoppe
Consumer Report


Iwas all jazzed up about this job i just couldnt wait until i got to mystery shop for your company. So i went down and got a id because was stolin out my car at walmart so a got a bank account from chase bank for the frist time in my life. Then i was a little worry about doing this because i wasnt share about the check but the check was so cofenceing evert body thought it could be real so i went down like it said on the instuttion you sent with a stamp seal with a lady name leslie e. Jocobs director of operations excuse the stampaproved seal oevr her name so threefore i dosposited the check ian they the check alter / fict so known my bank account was closed out and i dont wants going if there to charge me with any thing, ihav, nt called them im affrid to fined out this isnt right i even have my own money that i had open my account with im vert hurt and angry it srcewing up my whole account. The check 1,999.45 sincerly renee chavez email (personal info removed)

Company: RBCI Secure Group for Mystrey Shoppe
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
ZIP: 29602
Address: PO Box 19093-4
Phone: 8649903142
Site: rbcisecuregroup.com
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RBCI Services Group
Consumer Report

Mystery Shoppe
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Fpac Brokers Infosurv, Inc
Joseph Mendoza, Director of Operations Mystery Shopper Scam, $1400.00 plus bad check Froze bank account

TCMC Dataworks Team, Inc
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Five star montioring & reseach group
Five star and gear, inc They sent a check to be a mystery shopper that was a scam

Mystery Shoppe
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Fifth Third Bank
Southern indiana $8.00 to cash a check - outrageous

RBCI Services Group
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Wells Fargo Bank
Closed my account and lied to me

The Weiss Fund
Mystery Shopping