The Weiss Fund
Mystery Shopping


I should have known this was a fraud because the envelope didn't have a return address and it also has a regular stamp on it other than any kind of business stamp.

The check they sent was for over $3,000. Normally when you mystery shop you get your check after your done with everything. But I decided that I would let my bank tell me this check was a fraud. I deposited the check in my account and they held it for 5 business days. When I called on the fifth day, the bank told me that the account couldn't be found. So I called the so-called company and let them know that they were a fraud and that I knew. They tried to tell me they weren't.

The addresses on the check on the paper and for the business were all in different places. Overall I wish I could sue the hell out of them. But of course I cant.

The last thing about it is they were so legit. They Have papers to evaluate the places with an a code of business ethics.

Company: The Weiss Fund
Country: USA
State: Rhode Island
City: Pawtucket
Address: 101 Sabin Street
Phone: 9055981209
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Adorama Consumer Research Group
Posing as secret shopper employe

Radius Global Market Research
This company sends you a check that looks real drawn off a real bank, the check is fake do not cash it. They tell you you will be a mystery shopper and evaluate different places and get paid 400 a wee

United Mystery Shoppers

Five star montioring & reseach group
Five star and gear, inc They sent a check to be a mystery shopper that was a scam

Mystery Consumer
Issued me a check for $4550.00 It did not clear my bank. I had preveously deposited

Mystery Shoppers
They are phonie's

Dewitt Franchise
MONITORING & RESEARCH SERVICES Part time position, salery will be increased to $600.00 per week for the first 3 months
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BES Research - Neuse Management
Sent me a check for $3,535 to mystery shop. I am to wire $2,990 and evaluate the place I do it at and other places too. I am to deposit the check in my bank account

SCB Business Conservation, Inc
Consumer Report