WCS 8552437992 Maple G #0837
Consumer Report


Was offered free product with only shipping charges needed last month. This month the company charged my credit card $158.97 for no reason. I did not want or need product and was certainly never contacted to approve or deny charges. I can't get hold of the company to dispute. The number above sends me to a skype acct.

Company: WCS 8552437992 Maple G #0837
Country: USA
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AIU, American InterContinental University
Ripoff and Scams In Debt without a degree

SENSA Weight-Loss System
Sensa Auto debit charges made with no product received, nor charges authorized

I Health Solutions
Tenstar Supplements, Quality Health are deceptive liars

"Free Trial" authorized other company charges, never received product, charged shipping

Did not order product/my credit card charged

WSC Maple Grove MN
Consumer Report

Free trial is not free

T&T Masonry
Put in a concrete driveway that looks like it is 20 years old The top flaked off

Unauthorized charge

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Unauthorized sign up & billing