Consumer Report


Sam as other customers, I received fake pvc purse and e-mailed immediately to the person "Will" who assured me before purchasing, that purses are from legitimate MK outlet. First he tried to negotiate to refund me $ 35 to keep the purse. When I told him that don't want to keep it and he advertizes falsely, he told me tha it's not worth to return it becuase I must pay $ 60 for return shipping fee and $ 60 for his shipping fee in addition for bank fees. I told him I will return it no matter what, but he didn't want to give me any info how to return it. I went to their website and per instruction included order number, my name, e-mail address and shipped it back to the shipping address.
I informed him that I shipped it back and he asked me to what address I shipped it and said they somethimes don't receive returned items. He also said they will refund onkly $116 of $ 189 that I payed. I reminded him that he didn't want to give me any info because he was hopping I will be late for returns since he only e-mailed me once a day.
At the end he asked me: So, you do accept refund of $ 116. I told him I only accept full refund!

Company: Michael-Kors-Plaza
Country: USA
Site: michael-kors-plaza.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Deceptive Advertising

Michael Kors Plaza
Fake bags and refused to refund money! Shanghai

Michael Kors Outlet Site
Sent me a fake product and refuses to refund my money

Factory Authorized Outlet
Told return for full refund but did not

False Advertisement and Fake Purses

Provida Life Science
Didn't receive full refund as they guaranteed! Couldn't talk with supervisor, or get last names, ripoff

Coach Outlet Online
Consumer Report