Abraham Johnson/Delorus Phillips
Consumer Report


I was contacted view email in regards to a personal assistant position posted on Craigslist Las Vegas... I have a total of 5 emails going back and forth discussing my first assignment. Which would be accepting funds in the amount $1951 at my home through USPS. Which then I would be responsible for sending the remainder amount after deducting my $400 paycheck to an orphanage in Wa. Well with a little research I found this web site and the same exact email word for word sent from a christopher hughes back on 9/28. Which is flagged here as a scam. I am so happy I as smart enough not to sign anything or deposit any money in my account. I was un like this 1 other complaint lucky enough to know something that sounds to good to be true.

Company: Abraham Johnson/Delorus Phillips
Country: USA
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