Institute of Agritechics
Consumer Report


Top of the day to you,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for your sincere desire and

Interest shown to our representative offer. I am happy to inform you

That, your position has been confirmed as my personal assistant.

And i will like to Thank you for responding to my personal assistance position

And I'll like to inform you that im satisfied with your info and you're accepted.

I want you to Confirm Your Availability TO Handle Funds this Week...

You will deduct your weekly pay which is $700 from the payment that would be sent

To you by my associate and you will remit the balance as you will be instructed later on.

I believe with trust and honesty, we will sustain and build a long lasting business relationship between us.

Thank you once again and I want you to confirm the receipt of this email.

This is an email that I received after I was stupid enough to think that this was an actual job. I am in need of a job and have posted my resume on several websites, so to receive an offer for a personal assistant job wasnt anything that I thought twice about. I was offered the position and started to get curious when the questions that I started to ask where not being answered. I asked what the "assosiates" name was. What is a phone number that I may have so that we can communicate other than via email. I also started to get a bit nervous when he asked me if we could meet at a coffee shop near my house??? Then after researching the "business" that he worked for as well as his education the first thing that popped up was SCAM ALERTS... One after the other. This is the stupidest thing that I have ever been part of and I feel like the most ignorant person ever for even thinking that this was going to be something that would actually be a job. I do however I have cell number that I received off of one of the many complaint websites about this person. The number is 916-222-4213, there was a gentleman that was in the same situation as me and he stated that he actually talked to Mr. Toliver, but that during their conversation, the phone was cutting out bc "James Toliver" was out of the country". I will keep everyone updated as to the outcome of this event as things start to unfold. But it wasnt until I saw the exzact same email that was sent to me, sent to the other complaints word for word that I am now sick to my stomach at the thought of this. This morning (09-08) I received a cashiers check from someone by the name of David Smith in the amount of $7,500.00 and when I took it to my bank they were smart enough to see that the check was not even real to begin with. Whatever this persons intentions are, they are dishonest, stupid and just plain cruel. I looked up all of the differant names that this person goes by and there are complaints on every single scam website out there. WATCH OUT FOR ANYONE looking for a personal assistant position. I guess that you can trust noone and that if it seems to good to be true, than it most definitly is. I am scared as to now this person, whoever he is, wherever he is, now has my address, phone number as well as other personal information. Thank goodness they do not however have my bank information. Lets see how the end of this goes, and I will be updating and I will not stop until I know how this person thinks that they can scam innocent people that need to make an honest living as well as those of us that are too trust worthy. Here I am thinking that I am getting into a position where I can get back into my school studies full time and that I can have a job and pay me rent this month, and I have been scammed. My time wasted, my hopes up as far as an end to all of my finacial woes and now I have to deal with this. To anyone else that has been effected by this STUPID person I am sorry and I hope that nothing happens to you!!! I am at least relieved that I did research-though obviously too little too late.

Company: Institute of Agritechics
Country: USA
Phone: 2264001741
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