Consumer Report


I received a phone call like everybody else. The gentleman on the phone sound very sincere about helping me start a online business so I can bring in extra cash for me and my family at home my husband does not work and I am a foster parent with six kids and do not make a lot of money doing this job but I do love helping children. He had me tell him about myself and what do I want to do for the future. Like a dummy I fell for everything he said and thought that he was being honest and telling me the truth. I gave the man $2199.00 that I had been saving for ever to buy a home for me and my family. Later I received another call explaining that I needed to pay $900 for tax and to file the name of my online business. I paid the $900 and they sent me the papers in the mail and I send them off. I thought that that would be it but no someone else called me again explaining that I would need to pay another $3000 towards credit to stop the business. That was it for me this money that I did not have and not willing to give up. I feel like this company has taken advantage of me and my situation but I should have known better.

Company: Unlock-Powe
Country: USA
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Summit Group Publications
Ripoff dishonest fraud business

Hispanexo Inc, Rafael Vazquez Y Ernesto Ramirez
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Cps Of Burnet County, tx
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