Hispanexo Inc, Rafael Vazquez Y Ernesto Ramirez
Hispanexo These company sold me a program which I didn't think it was worth it. They charged my credit card, dont want to give me back the money eventhough I did sent it back Virginia

Education & Science

I heard on the radio about this company helping people to start a new business, mainly for spanish people. They are selling this book with some CD explaining how to start a new business. I'M unemployed at this moment so I decided to call. I bought it, gave them my credit card number they charged almost $300.00. They told me that if I wasnt satisfied with it within 30 days I could send it back and they will refund my money, keeping only like $9 for shipping something like that. I did sent it like in 15 days, I did not think will be helping me at all. A few days after I called and they told me I was going to received $140. It was back on Dec. I was supposed to received it only by the end of Jan. First they are keeping too much money on something that was returned, second I live in Georgia and on that book there is nothing written about laws for new business people in Georgia. I think they are just getting advantage of the situation our country is been thru. They are making fortune due to their lies. Im a single mom, mother of three children trying everything possible to make money to pay my bills, (in a decent way of course) So, please!!! I hope the law could get these people and have them pay for what they are doing. Please! Contact me, if necessary. Until today I keep calling them, their reps say "we will call you" never happens.


Company: Hispanexo Inc, Rafael Vazquez Y Ernesto Ramirez
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8009430232
Site: hispanexo.com
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Hispanexo - Rafael Vazquez - Ernesto Ramirez
Charged by the FTC 2.6 millions judgement

Bruce A Berman
Ripoff false advertisting on the radio in georgia

Always Helping People, Llc
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Advanced Grocery Savers
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