Exciting Toys
Consumer Report


I ordered an item from excitingtoys.com. I never got item that I ordered. I have sent them several E mails they do not respond. There is no phone number to contact them. I want a refund. They have taken down their web site. There is no way to contact them. They will not tell you wear they are located.

Company: Exciting Toys
Country: USA
Phone: 5043550082
Site: excitingtoys.com
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It has been also 1 month since I ordered from them. I have got nothing, they don't respond to e-mails!

Vobla Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

Credit Card Fraud, Failure To Ship Products, Cannot Contact by Phone or Email, Theft

Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

I ordered a product and never received it. They won't answer my e-mails Internet

Exciting Toys.com or Vobla Inc
Consumer Report

Exciting toys.com
I have made an expensive purchase and have not got my items no responcee through customer service or the number on my bank statment which is NY VOLBLA INC PHONE# is 6463120106 exciting toys. ComInternet

Exciting toys.com
Took my money off my card and will not respond to email

Exciting Toys Adult Pleasures
Stole My Money!

Exciting Toys
Consumer Report