SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report


I too am outraged and fell for this scam. I just received a bill for £75.00 and £37.50 following receipts which confirmed what I had agreed to pay of £2.49 X 2. The receipts list the product name and £0.00 fee for the tablets with shipping charges only. Yet when I just looked at my credit card statement, over £100 was deducted. When I stated I would dispute and report these fees, they said, 'go ahead'. And when I asked for an address for complaint, I was given an address in Panama.

Company: SlimTone Plus
Country: USA
Phone: 8447459698
  <     >  


PWL*Dietspray, 888-851-9580 CA
Charges that reappeared on my card too late for me to dispute

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

Verizon wireless
I am being charged for a bill I do not owe
Consumer Report

They confirmed they received gas receipts yet never sent promised gift cards

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report

Lincoln Plaza Cinemas
Teller does not issue receipts

Neat Receipts
Poor product

SlimTone Plus
Consumer Report