Glu mobile
Consumer Report


I have been charged twice for $4.99 on 09/19 and 09/26 for something I did not authorize I would like to have a stop put to this I will contact my bank to fond out what and who is making unauthorized purchases on my account thank you.

Company: Glu mobile
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
ZIP: 94105-2209
Address: 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2800
Phone: 4158006100
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Fond Sprays
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Fond Sprays
Consumer Report

U.S. Bank, US Bancorp
Unauthorized cash advance which resulted in $388 fee... They were helping me avoid a $35 overdraft fee

AP924protectplus / AP9*
Unauthorized charges to my bank account

T Mobile
T-Mobile Cell Phone ripped off my bank account from someone using a stolen check RIPOFF Mobile Alabama

Dadamobile - T-Mobile
Dadamobile T-Mobile ripoff, adding unauthorized subscription charges to T-mobile Account

Provider: Open Market Consumer for (1) BBallscore Alerts and (2) MLB Info Alerts
Consumer Report

Unauthorized withdrawl from checking account, and I don't own a t-mobile phone! Nationwide

Candy Crush Saga
Consumer Report