Best Mark Saftway Mystery Shopping Compant Ltd
Consumer Report


I was mailed a letter from best mark saftway mystery shopping company ltd, with a check to deposit. An instruction on what i was to do for part time job assignment. So i made a deposit to my checking account with the check. An completed the assigments, contacted the account manager for check activation angela lewis account manager, an completed the assigment. Witch cost 2,565.00 after completing the assigment four days latter my checking account shows a minus. Their check was bad or the account manager angela lewis faild to activate the check. My name is james bozeman jr (Personal Information Removed)

Company: Best Mark Saftway Mystery Shopping Compant Ltd
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minnetonka
ZIP: 55343-9602
Address: 5605 Green Circle Drive, Suite #200
Phone: 9529222205
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Hadd me deposit a check that was no good. Now i owe the bank moneyand it keep's going up

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They sent me a letter with a $2200 check and directions for secret shopping 3 local businesses

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I received letter in mail for mistery shopper and was giving a fraud check