SCB Business Conservation, Inc
Consumer Report


I received a letter from SCB Business Conservation Inc. Who claim to be a Mystery Shopping Company who selected me to do Mystery Shops. A check in the amount of $ 1,998.00 USD was also included with the letter. I am suppose to activate and deposit the check in my personal bank account. Once the check clears I am to withdraw $350.00 USD and perform the first Mystery Shop. I thought it would be wise of myself to do some background check-up on this company before getting myself completely involved with the "Potential" scam. After reading what others have written about this company I will NOT be participating in this so called MYSTERY SHOPPING part time job. Unfortunate that this has happened because I was truly looking forward to being a Mystery Shopper. My only regret is that I DID activate the account leaving my telephone number and email address. Though I have NO Actual Monetary Loss this complaint is LEGITIMATE based on Not wanting to be scammed by this so called company. Should you need to have the material to proceed any criminal investigation I will keep locked up the evidence.

Company: SCB Business Conservation, Inc
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: McLean
ZIP: 22101
Address: 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd
Phone: 5713082430
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SCB Business Conservation, Inc
Consumer Report

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