The Lakes Apartments - Paul Ash Management
The Lakes Apartments, Donna Aurand, Barry Edberg, Marlin Murray, Schultz Family #257, Paul Ash Management. Ignorance is Bliss, quiet enjoyment amiss, management will only diss - TRUE LIES! Rip-off!


I selectively chose this community for what the brochures and staff promised, "senior community living", solely for the purpose of getting away from the annoying loud rumbling cars, the younger generational kids' comings and goings at 2-3 in the morning and after Donna Aurand, the "Manager" at The Lakes lied saying she lived on the property and she could assure me it is a "peaceful, safe and quiet" community, I was anxious to move in and even referred my boyfriend here as well and take pride being a responsible, quiet, paying rent days before rent due... What for?

Living here has been a nightmare of constant noise and disturbing neighbors (woman who lived next door moved her mother out and her biker boyfriend in who drank - a lot, upon my asking them to quiet the noise he would slam closet doors, entrance doors, knock out the stairway light leaving it dark at night which I would have to report to fix, etc.) I paid for relocation fees (half after literally begging for a break as it was not my fault this biker BF moved in), toil and trouble to move and very expensive as you all well know. Finally able to enjoy my "quiet enjoyment", the neighbors from hell moved in next to me - what are the odds? An elderly couple with their rebellious six foot twenty something year old son whose BR is adjacent to mine (another omen).

These ppl treated The Lakes as if it were the Trump Tower and had visitors in and out counting up to 30 times in several hours, more on the weekends and since their entrance door is three feet from mine, how could I not be disturbed by the revolving door of ppl at all hours and the slamming/jarring of their door making my pictures on wall, shake. Add junior with his loud TransAm coming/leaving at all hours, his car beneath my BR window. My quiet enjoyment left upon them renting to ppl I was paying to not be around.

Upon my pleas, the maintenance man fixed their door jamb making the door not be as noisy - however, grand central was at full swing and I reached my limit but did not want to take management's only advice to remediate the noise problem - by calling the police for I knew (as I used to work with troubled teens) that this kid/parents will retaliate. The police came and the couple had visitors visit less for which I am appreciative of, however, Junior is on warpath because I called police on his parents. I tried killing them with kindness by apologizing for calling police and that Donna told me it's the only way. They, of course, seemed apprehensive and blamed the noise I heard at two in the morning on the tenant whom lives beneath me. She is in her eighties and I've never heard her before nor imagine her hammering pictures on the wall in the wee hours of the morning. Lenny heard Mrs. Schultz accuse the tenant below me and become defensive when I said it was her son.

I knew it was time to call a lawyer friend I used to work with and I spoke with several while sleeping in the hallway between my shut BR door and the entrance, so as to muffle the malicious slamming of the door when Junior leaves as well as the noise he makes in his BR. I've been sick and this is not making matters better for me and the notion of having to move - again - twice in a year makes my ulcers bleed - and the report from the emergency room has charged me 1,500.00 not to mention the anti anxiety meds, the blood pressure meds and the migraine meds.

The office is doing nothing and Donna's artificial telephone salutation makes me want to get sick. Donna and Marlin both concur..."they seem so nice". So, I'm imagining my interrupted sleep for the past fortyfive days am I? Upon me having to call the police two times in one night, I called the Schultz's who were not there so I wrote them a note to ask their son to not maliciously make noise/slam door, etc. Next morning I woke up and found a nail stuck on the side of my tire, making it unrepairable and as the mechanic said, it's "uncommon" to see a tire like that and yes, looks like someone was busy. I got it in writing and still Marlin at the office conveyed how she knew a friend in Maryland who had the same thing happen to her tire while driving. Bla, bla - I hung up in disbelief at how they are neglecting to hear me and are not doing anything but tell me to keep calling the police and as I do - this kids' wrath grows as well.

My lawyer said to take them to small claims court for the costs incurred by having to move the first time when they did nothing and allowed this biker to live there after I moved in, and allowed this 20yo to move in when they specifically said it caters to seniors and will be quieter than most apt. Complexes while knowing and accepting full well that reasonable nois is inevitable but - let's be real! It is so easy for mgmnt to say I can't break lease as they sit in their quiet homes feeling safe and secure. I'm here paying a lot of money for mayhem and chaos and calling the police everyday! This is no life and having to wait five months for my lease to expire is going to cause wrongful death of some sort. My mother/cosigner has begged them to break the lease, but Donna says in her raspy voice she will do everything possible.

I told her yesterday I hope the time she spends chain smoking doesn't put a damper on her sleuthing to re-rent my apt. I won't hold my breath by her demeanor and by the fact that there are dozens vacant. She lied to my mother saying mine is the only one on the second floor. My BF and I counted a dozen! Donna needs to watch what information she gives others and not blatantly lie to me and many.

My lawyer said they are breaking lease clauses 8,10, 10 (a), 11 (e) and A.R.S. 33-1368a. I and everyone who knows Donna and Paul Ash Mgmnt. Know that I'm dealing with snakes who will be bit with their own venom sooner or later. I'm living in hell, hating to be here and come "home". Although this too shall pass, they all know full well the laws of physics.

Barry Edberg, Donna Aurand, Marlin Murray and the Schultz's sit back enjoying their peace and quiet while I spend my time packing again, hating being here and being forced to move as I had not planned on moving for years. The irony is noisy ppl are given preference and justice. Responsible quiet tenants such as I and my referred-to-the-Lake boyfriend are suffering these consequences of them not taking proper professional action nor intelligence.

Also, I Donna again lied by not letting anyone know that a mentally challenged tenant will lock them out of the laundryroom, leave messages on your car telling you how you parked, monitoring your conversations with neighbors, yelling at you if you don't put the cans or bottles or newspapers or garbage in the recepticle du jour, mocking my BF and I if we give each other a peck on the cheek etc. Donna said he came with the apartment. Why then did she not notify others of his loud disruptive and sometimes intimidating antics? I've worked fifteen years as a medical assistant and am compassinate towards others challenged, however, upon my complaining to office that I did not like to be monitored by this resident, she stormed verbally that he came with the apartment.

What planet am I on? Why have I been lied to and treated so unfairly? Why must I tally and make a journal and taperecordings of all the noise and call the police then make sure they get a copy of the report and upon my asking if this will ensure my being able to leave in search of quiet enjoyment elsewhere, Donna laughs and says this is not a game where I get points. Who is this person??? I don't deserve this. I am not invisible. Donna's got the charm of a hangman.

I cannot afford to move again however, my health comes first and I won't put up with this kids' rebellious nature - and after hearing a neighbors complaints about his kid cause some other type of damage I bet her that Donna will not do anything. Donna, needs to watch what she tell my future dream of living like people and I will hold anything she says that is vidictive over your head as I've been the model tenant your bad businessmanship is losing, aside from others. I wouldn't stay here if given the chance of moving living here for free.

I was told by a resourceful source that Barry Edberg will give all my letters of grievances and ask him when he will apply this mission statement - and I quote - "our tenants are our family - they come first".

Liars, liars, pants on fire and letting damage to my tire (s)? All be a part of being forced to live in this emotional muck and mire, the laws of physics will someday cause you to pay for your being a liar. Please come clean and release me from the lease. I can provide letters from my doctor indicating my health has been affected tremendously over this causing internal bleeding and migraines, etc. I will wait for the odds of you caring enough to release me from my lease - in the meantime - I'm off to small claims court and go door to door taking names of ppl suffering from mismanagement.

Company: The Lakes Apartments - Paul Ash Management
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 5666 E. Hampton Street
Phone: 5208860606
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