Octagon Insurance
Consumer Report


I just renew my car insurance policy on the 12-08 and first time use OCTAGON insurance, i received a letter from OCTAGON on the 23-08, the letter said if they havent received my PROOF OF NO CLAIM BONUS WITHIN 7 days then they will make a cancellation of my insurance policy and it will be a £50 cancellation fee will apply, so i made a call to the customer service 0844-561-4615 on the 28-08 try to ask them to help as i m going on holiday for 2 weeks and i wont be in uk untill the 12-sept, i spoke to the lady name RACHEAL ex no: 3654 and i told her my situation and see is it anyway she can help me to avoid this cancellation but she wasnt trying to help me at all and plus she was so rude and shouted at me and said this is the policy thats nothing i can do anthen i asked her i wanna speak to the manager then she hang up on me, then i made a call again and spoke the lady name CHELFEA ex no: 3794 and she was very very nice and listen to me to explain my situation and she ask me to give her my previous insurance company details and she will give them a call to try and get my proof of no claims directly from them and also she said to me if she able to sorted out for me then she will send me a e-mail and text message to my phone as well to let me know thats been confirm and stop me being worry, also she said if she cannot get it sort it then she will try to speak to her manager and try to help me on other way, she was very very good and i suggest OCTAGON should use more good staff like CHELFEA.

Company: Octagon Insurance
Country: USA
Phone: 08448154975
Site: octagoninsurance.com
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