Brand Wayne
Consumer Report


I found and applied for an ad on Craigslist looking for a designer to create several mini sites for a salary of $650 a week. This is the scammy email I got in reply:


We have just finished reviewing your email and we think you might be the designer we would be working with so here is the deal in detail.

It will all be small websites consisting of 3-6 pages.

We do not need any logo designed and there are no business colors so you can play with as much colors as possible depending on your level of creativity.

All websites will not have any online forms.

Comments section is required in all websites.

There will be an image and video gallery.

Full content including images and videos will be made available for you.

In essence, what we are looking for is a great interactive site yet classy and simple.

You will be paid 650 on a weekly basis and like the ad read, there will be an increase once we confirm your job as being suitable to our standards which means you will build only one website for a start and be updating it for about 2 weeks before we can fully staff you.

It will be a work from home position for the first month before you can start working from our office but you are free to continue working from home if it suits your schedule.

Please attach specific websites that you have designed that incorporate what we are looking for so we can be sure to reach an agreement with you.

We await your response with questions if you have any at all. Looking forward to hearing from you for the final conclusion.


Brand Wayne."

Company: Brand Wayne
Country: USA
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James Mariany
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Quantum Web Designers
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Home Center Websites a/k/a Paul Jenkins
Consumer Report
Ripoff charged a ridiculous amount for a list of mostly scammy websites

Home Website Center
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Widget and Videos - Widgets for websites and Video Uploads, and Linked Websites
Consumer Report

3935434 Canada Inc., SabiaTech, Evelyn Townsend hired me to work for her on building websites for her clients. I even went an extra mile making the websites look good and alive with colors. When I sent her the invoice for a month's
Great support, great sites