The good feet stoe
Their product is crap, expensive and does not help all


This store gives you a 1 minute elavuation, then sells you hard heel inserts to the tune os 350.00 that will never help your back my case, I think it attributed to more back pain. I tried to contact them about this, but that was useless. I threw them in the garbage, and i am now having foot pain and spasms in my feet adjusting to life without them. My feet are slowly coming around, and i realize i am having less back pain without them. Please please do not get sucked into this crap

Company: The good feet stoe
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: web
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The Good Feet Store
Did Not Back-up Guaranteed For Life Policy

Ped Egg
A Ped Egg Disaster - Ped Egg

Good feet
Better products on ebay

Sketchers USA
Sketcher shape ups

Ideal Feet
Products Do Not Perform as Advertised

Ideal Feet
I fell for the "ideal feet" ads seen on tv. They simply do not do the job as advertised and there is no way to get a refund

Good Feet Store
Total ripoff

Ideal feet
Ideal feet smells

Ideal Feet
Pressured into buying an unnecessary "orthodic' by fast talking salesperson. Dr. Says is overpriced, not custom made. It was less than 2 hours after, I was in real pain, they would not take it back

The Good Feet Store in Murfreesboro, TN
GOOD FEET STORE Scammers, Liars, Rip Off Artists