Consumer Report


Not sure why but I do not want any more charges to my account! I was scammed somehow. Tried to sign up to abc.com to watch Big Brother. Was not suposed to be charged. Canceled it right after I did it. There was a $1 dollar charge, now there is 3 $1 charges. Thewy need to stop chargeing me amedeatly. And refund my $3.. Thank you for resolveing this right away if you would... Ron hulsave

Company: RN*REAL.com
Country: USA
State: WA
City: Seattle
ZIP: 98121
Address: 2601 Elliott Avenue
Phone: 2066742700, 2068926737, 8668345509
Site: real.com
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Citizens National Bank
Overdraft charges on known scam withdraws

American Online overcharge for years

CCI Credit Card Info
Ripoff Internet

TW/IP EAuctions
Charged my account the second time after I had canceled the previous month claiming I had not canceled

Rip off!

Golden west credit union
Consumer Report

Grants360, Earncashfromgrants.com, Grantsreports.com, Grantmoney. secureorderhub.com
The initial charge for trial membership was $1.95, however so far I have been charged over $100.00 and have to cancel several "Free" offers individually

Surplus supplier
Dri shopper I canceled the subscription and they would not refund my money then they charged me another 39.95 two weeks late

Charged my account without authorization to do so, no refund of activity

Janet Harson Astrologe
Consumer Report