29 Prime.com Web site
Consumer Report


Signed up for a web site and support. They could not do what I wanted to see in the web site and would not refund the money
The compay is also known as Summit SEM. I tried to tell them I did not receive anything but said they had a no return policy.
The company is from California and will send a complaint to the gov office

Company: 29 Prime.com Web site
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
ZIP: 92612
Address: 2967 Michelson Dr, Ste G467
Phone: 9497776616
Site: 29prime.com
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Prime One Benefits - Prime One Financial

Consumer Report

Lied about return policy

Internet Treasure Chest, UPS And Fed -X Refund Recovery Software, And Summit Group Publications
Internet Treasure Chest, UPS And Fed-X Refund Recovery Software, Summit Group Publications ripped off and scammed, victimized many consumers, false promises

Prime TV
Would not refund rebate sent all info ripoff

Consumer Report

Prime Data Group, LLC
Consumer Report

Summit Merchant Solutions
Summit Merchant Solutions broke promises and is virtually impossible to deal with when a problem arises

Max Colon
Easy Sell but Difficult to Return