Mister U Construction
Consumer Report


My home caught fire 1-21. Mister u was
scheduled to redo my kitchen floors 5 days after the fire and he said he was a licenced
contractor, which he is. He said he knew i was upset, that he would do the liasion between myself and the mgt. Association for the condo, would work closely with me so the
changes i wanted would be done in accordance
with my wishes. No decisions would be made without my okay and i'd end up moving into a
beautiful new home.

He told the mgt. Assoc. That i was crazy and
also the neighbors so i didn't have any cred-
ibility when i told the mgt. Assoc. And their
insurance co. He left without finishing the
home and not to pay him any additional funds.

The opposite happened from his inital promises, he did the opposite of what i asked.
He refused to replace items i had to go out
and buy myself while he was paid for the items. He said, maple cabinets would look good in here, the next time i came over maple
doored cabinets were installed. He did not
get a building permit so someone would check
out his work, the mgt.Co. Sent a man but he
said, "i have a background in real estate.", that means he knows nothing about construction, he only visited one time and said it looked fine, he was fired. I said don't use this particular paint for a living
room wall, i found him painting my bedroom
walls with it, at $50 a gal, i was going to mix two colors together, it was specialized
paint for once type of use. I said for gods
sake don't touch the other gallon, i found him
painting the hallway with the very vivid gold,
and said what are you doing? He said this is
how they told me to paint, a lie. He let my
$5,000 wooden shutters rot in the rain saying
that couldn't be rehung, not that they were
unusable, this was also a lie. He said get rid of the refrigerator in the fire, i said no
to his men and him over and over, maybe 20 times, they gave them a brand new refrigerator. He stole the deductable of $10,000.00, he had billed my insurance company
and i didn't know. They had given me paperwork saying pay the contractor the ded-
uctable, i also checked with my adjuster and
she said yes pay him.in july someone
from the mgt. Company knocked on my door and
said i was being served, i asked for what, she
said not paying the deductable. I said i had
and gave her copies of the checks, as he re-
quested, made out to him, signed by him, and
the copy of the request for the money was
written pd, no name. He forged my name on
$2800 from my insurance, both of us were to
sign, as the adjuster is not trained in hand-
writing, she could not tell the police it was
not my signature. I went to his home, stood so he could not see me, and he opened the door
and invited me in. He acted glad to see me and then i said, "we need to talk, i need my
$10,000.", his response, "i don't have it"
he then ordered me to leave but before i could move fast enough threw me out the door
physically. I noticed a new patio being built that was 40 ft. Long and 2 ft. Deep approximate. He would tell me, "you will never be able to collect all the insurance money, give it to me."

I demanded he get rid of one of his workers,
he reeked of alcohol and talked of smoking mj
all the time, he suggested i grow it. He also drank all my alcohol and there was much
as i save it from trips. This man was a form
builder from alaska, the other worker a laid
off masonery worker, neither knew how to build and do the fine work that was required.
My walls are ruined as they didn't know how to mix the material over the sheetrock. So the whole house has areas of wide swatches of
the mixture, bare spots, and it is very apparent. I paid $400 for wallpaper to be hung and argued with he and his worker for
weeks that the walls had to be smoothed and
prepared, they said you don't have to remove
the bumps, his drunk from alaska hung it and
all the edges are coming down no matter how
many times i try to glue the strips up. The
other worker bought a brand new bed and i said he could pay $25 a month, then he said
there was a stain on it, actually it had been
covered with clothes, not viable for spills.
I paid $2500 for the full bed set. I never saw a dime. The other worker owes me at least $150 for items he was to buy. Three days after mr. U left, the kitchen sink failed that was $750.00 to fix. He worked on
the utility sink, he said, "it has exploded
three times." when a water leak developed behind the sheetrock it was due to never screwing the hot side bolt to the top, the
cold one went to the top, but the hot was just around the bottom. According to the
plumber from lakewood plumbing, my pipes were
fine, but the big issue was the caused by the
failure to screw on the bolt. The mgt.Co.
Insurance carrier refused to pay a dime, they
said the work done was inferior. When the
mgt. Company worker served me, i also showed
her all of the problems and she was not inter-
ested in the least and i think by law they are to check with me to see if i am happy with the job. I asked the group of residents from the association to come in and
i showed them, they didn't care and chewed me
out as mr. U left my stove and wooden shades
on the back patio. I immediatly notified the
mgt. Company when mr. U said he would not
return, i called them 6-7 times, leaving the
message, don't pay mr. U. They sent me a letter saying your not allowed to call us, they never returned my call. I called the
insurance carrier and informed him, do not pay mr. U, he didn't finish the job and what
he did was very unsatisfactory. The mgt.com-
pany and insurer knew mr. U stole the
$10,000 deductable and forged my name and they had copies of the cashed checks and forged signature. They continued to pay him
against my advice, and there was $7,000 left
to be paid only if i was happy with the job.
In july it was there at the insurance co. And in october he had recieved the
7,000. Knowing what they knew about how i felt about his workmanship, that i showed all
the areas of problems, they allowed him to get the check without me ever seeing it and it required my signature. Then the tile floor in the kitchen, there were many areas that had holes next to the wall and while i
was very careful, i knew the water was getting to the underlayment and the grout came off everytime i tried to clean the floors on my hands and knees with a big fan
blowing in my face. The "explosions in the
utility sink", left water marks about 1/4 of
the way up the wall. Then one day i opened the shelving area underneath and the doors were wet with perspiration and heat. I looked at the back side and there was black
mold everywhere. I immediatly went into my
computer and wrote to the mgt. Company saying
i had black mold. All these people came out
and they decided the leak had been for too
long, actually my natural gas bill was not
elevated for that time period so i caught the
leak early. He sanded the hardwood floors and i said i want 3 coats of sealing on them,
when i said to mr. U that the floors were
not shinny, and why if there were 3 coats of
sealer which he told me multiple times was
applied, he said that is the way they look.
Well, they were not sealed and all of them are now runined in some way, stains from spills, all the rooms looks awful. My plan was to redo the kitchen floors and with all
the upgrades, to sell when the market is better, what he did was ruin the home i love
so dearly. Well, back to the kitchen, utility, pantry floor tiles, and the laundry
room cabinet. The tiles fell off the storage
area and it split open along with ruining all
my tools, they were rusted and i've tried to
repair the probelem. I spent hours and hours
and bought lots of floor shine products trying to protect the floor, but a handicapped 68 year old female does not have
any equipment nor skills in how to do this.
The painting job in my bedroom is so bad it is laughable, around the top is a white line
where he did not tape to make it look prof-
essional, he did not complete the contract he
had with me putting in the tile underneath the ccubbords, he said the tile was no good and he threw it away, actually i think it was
put on the utility cabinet. He failed to get
back the dining room fixture, they lost it, and the one i bought, did not have extra parts, he didn't even paint the room, utility,
next to where the fire began, he decided that
this cheap 1/4 inch maple piece should be put
on the floor moldings without my permission and the look is cheap and ugly. My father was a general contractor, so i heard and saw
the work all my life, i knew immediatly things were wrong, but the mgt. Company would
not talk to me, the insurance people would not do anything, i contacted every agency in
the state by telephone and writing and all i
got was you had better get an attorney. With
what i asked, he took all my money, ruined my
home, and if i was in a car accident i could
get an attorney on a contingency basis, but
not when they ruined my home. The labor and
industries that licenses these people don't
care what they've done, they just have to pay
their dues.

So for over two years i cried all during the
time i've spent money at lowes and home depot
trying to make the home presentable, but it is not. I parked where the workers could not
see me and noted the time the cars were not
there, then i'd inquire how late they worked,
they lied right to my face, there was no one
here, but they said oh yes we were there, i
knew better.

Not only was the home ruined, i was left with
680 boxes, some 5 ft. Tall, and the contents
were mixed, kithen things with yard tools, a
credit card and 14 ct. Gold chain. A birken-
stock shoe in with the china. The two years
i've spent trying to sort through the mess of
boxes and i had another 100 or so, has left
me without money, i never go out nor do people come here. I've called old friends
and when i give them the shortened version
never call back. No one wants any part of the mess i am living in. The workers unpack-
ed some boxes, but they broke things, one of
the men was taking unpacked boxes up to the
storage area in the garage that has a pull
down staircase which is dangerous and i have
fallen and so did my ex. So that the employee
would not have to do his job, he was placing
packed boxes where i would have to unpack and
bring into the house somewhere. My christmas
decorations were broken, not in the same
boxes, scattered all over the house and upstairs and my furniture is all scratched
and i can't repair it.

To say that this awful experience has aged me
10 years is an understatment, i've cried every day for 1 1/2 years, i lived with the
knowledge that i was slandered by the con-
tractor and his men, that if i asked for
something, they did the opposite. They broke
the under tile heater in my bathroom, the
edges of the wallpaper are full of areas full
of smoke. This has just about killed me and
i have suffered each and every day. I told
the man that brought mr. U into my home and
he was horrified, had lost the 20% kickback
for getting the job, but after he talked to
mr. U, who is so smooth, the contractor that
brought him in, did not believe me anymore. I made arrangements with him 2 times to come
in and evaluate the home and both times were
a no show. Mr. U put a row of tile i don't
like and never saw until it was up around the
front bathroom tub when i wanted new plastic
around the tub and in so doing, took off alot
of the tubs finish, it is rought to the hands
and i found a spray can of appliance paint in
the garage. When you wash a tub for 15 years
you know it quite well, he runined the bathtub also. What i could have gotten for
the house in sale, i can never get back, the
horrible feeling of isolation because i have
to unpack and rearrange and then do it all
over cannot be qualified, the nights i did not sleep and cried, that i took to my bed for some time as i could not face this lovely
home just destroyed, that he took all my
money, lied constantly, hurts so bad. You
can't imagine what waking up to this mess for
all this time has done to me both physically
and emotionally.

My insurance company is paying for the kitchen to be fixed, the variety or fungus
besides the black mold, that the pictures
show from the men that went under the house,
was like a horror show with all the various
colors and hues of rot, the men said the floor was ready to break through. If i'd
fallen through the floor, i could not get up
as the ground is too far down, i don't have
the upper body strenght, and i would have
died there along with my cats as no one would
have noticed i didn't answer my phone as no
one checks with me and i fall at least once
a week.

I want to sue sears for the stove catching on
fire when i was cleaning everything on top
including the buttons to turn the stove on,
i showed the fireman, i know an attorney this
happened to. It was self-cleaning and i've
had that type of oven since 1978 with nary a

I want to sue the insurance company that con-
tinued to pay even when they knew he stole
money and forged checks they continued to pay
him, they knew that he had left a very bad
job of my home and didn't care. He claims
everything was up to code, not true, now i
get a city inspector in to verify the corr-
ectness of the constrution, mister u charged
for specialists to do work then let his un-
trained staff do the work for $15 a hour and
was he proud they accepted that wage. He pro-
mised me he would work for $30/ an hour and
charged $60/a hour and only came by to pick
up the material going to the dump. He did not
know what he was doing, his men did not know.
It takes a very skilled person to do the
finishing work, even my dad realized he was
not a finishing person and hired it done.

The time has expired to sue my insurance co-
mpany but they stopped talking to me in june
of and that should negate the two year
rule as i got no monies for replacements when
i could buy something. I asked for help with
the house to the supervisor in sept. Of 2011
and psychiatric care and got no reply.

Of special interest is sueing is service
masters that packed me up. I had hired
someone the night of the fire and was told
by usaa i had to use them. They ruined all
my make-up and most of it was very expensive
as my ex and i had a good income, my clothes
were all from nordstrom and the make-up also
and worth thounds of dollars as they dried
up and the adjuster in colo. Did not even
know about st. John's clothes and how much
they cost, much less any designer clothes.
The adjuster also paid mr. U anything he
billed them that were extra costs and i did
not know what he was billing and for what,
he picked up packed boxes from my apt and
brought them home. He took my brand new bike
and promised work for the item. My ex won it
for me and i had sentimental value of high
importance and said he'd do labor, right out
the door went the bike and him. When i told
my insurance company he was hanging pictures
with ny ex and not doing any work the adjuster
said, no more money. I called and told him
and he said, "i'll see you in court.", hung
up on me, and never returned a call.

By keeping me away from the mgr. Company he
was able to say awful things about me so they
would pay no attention to my pleadings and
when i said he didn't finish they paid him,
that the $750 bill i submitted to the mgt.Co.
3 days after he left, the plumber could not
believe the mickey mouse way the sink had been
done, the mgt. Company refused to pay, the
female that screamed at me at my doorstep,
even with proof of his obtaining the $10,000
that mr. U said he was not paid, she had the
bill he submitted with paid on it and the
date changed to reflefct the day he was paid.
She then after never having spoken to me said
i was the most awful woman in the complex and
believe me, i was on the board and i know of
women that would make the skin peel off your
body they are so nasty. The same lady called
the polioe and said i was suicidal, as my ex,
the contractor and i were here that day makes
that hard to stomach. After calling them over
and over to say mr. U walked out, no one would
call me back and i pay dues each month.in
frustration on one call, not in a depressed
mood, i said, " i could go out and buy and gun
and kill myself before you call me back." i
wanted to say something strong, without yell-
ing or swearing, and the police responded, 4
or them with a shotgun. I had happily gone to
fife to mail some things and get my car that
was being repaired. The house was unlocked
becuase there were not enough keys for mr. U,
my ex, and myself. The police came in search-
ing for this homicidal female and foune nothing but boxes stacked to the ceiling, they
were from the storage company, he in his
wide expanse of ability to diagnose, called me
a hoarder in his report. The fact the same
name was on the boxes, a storage company, he
is highly skilled. When i came home i was
alone, the door bell rang and there stood all
the policement and i was puzzled, they came in
and proceeded to tell me i was suicidal, news
to me of course, then i told him of the
contractor, how he ruined the house and i began to cry. I was forced to go to a hos-
pital via ambulance that sat in front of my
home for 45 minutes while all the neighbors
stared at me. The cop would have taken me but
i knew i'd get a mental patient number and i
would do anything to avoid that.

Do you know it took me a long time to figure
out what mr. U had done, not only ruin my
home but my reputation. He had the woman
from the mgt. Company so believing in his
stories... When i told him of this occurance,
a sly smile came over his lips, little did i
know why.

So there is mr. U, the mgt. Company for them
not carrying out there functions, having some
one verify things were done correctly, when i
was unhappy they were also supposed to be on
my side and care about all the mistakes their
insurance company paid for, most times mr. U
made double for everything. Their insurer for
not believing me either and i have much paper
work on faxes keeping them up to date and they
still paid him the final amt., knowing how i
was in agony over the destruction of my home.
One contractor came in and said, " i don't
even know if i can fix this.", that is how
bad the work is and i won't call it workman-
ship as that gives it some type of merit.

In conclusion, sue mr. U, kalles property mgt., washington-oregon claims insurance,
usaa, service masters and the people that
cleaned my clothes.

[Personal Information Removed]

Company: Mister U Construction
Country: USA
State: WA
City: Tacoma
ZIP: 98403
Address: 1116 North J St
Phone: 2533189232
  <     >  


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