Kaufman's Wedding World
Is a rip-off! If they cared about their brides then they would have called us and let us know what was going on instead of calling us and asking for more money


I just wanted to say I understand who all these girls feel. I am one of them. I ordered my dress and paid for it in full in February. My wedding is not until March. The ladies told me that I had to paid for my dress in full in order to get the great price I thought I was getting.

All of my bridesmaids have paid for their dresses in full as well. As of two weeks ago they still had not ordered them. Which they were all paid for in full by April. I feel that this is a little wrong. If I had by dresses paid for in full why did they not order them. But do you think that I got an answer. NO.

I have call the BBB, Attorney General in both PA and MD, I have called everyone that I can think of. I even have talked to Campbell Levine which is the attorney for Kaufman's.

I just think that the ladies working in the Kaufman's stores giving out information should stop telling everyone that they just found out a couple days ago... Because they also in the same sentence say they have not be paid for three to four weeks. Well if you have not be paid in that long then you knew you were going out of business. Come on no one is that dumb.

I just wanted to know what other girls are doing about their money? I have filed all kinds of complains and hopfully I will get all my money back even for my girls. Has any other girl heard that not only have we paid Kaufman's but in order to get our dresses we then have to pay the manufacturer as well for the same dress that we already paid for.

I find this ridicules because why should I have to paid for a dress that I already paid for once. Does that make any sense? If the Kaufman's really cared about their brides then they would have called us and let us know what was going on instead of calling us and asking for more money like they did with me.

To all the girls out there that our going through this as well I hope everything works out for you as well. God Bless you all!

Company: Kaufman's Wedding World
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Frederick
Address: Frederick, Maryland
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