Shaboom Media
Consumer Report


This company has been charging my Fathers Cell phone and my Cell phone 9.99 for two months. We rarely check our bill because we haven it set on automatic payments. Well luckily this month I went online to review the bill because I noticed that the bill was increasing every month. To my amazement this company had charged us for the past two months for services that we refused. Complete scam! Sprint was only able to refund 20.00 out of this.

Company: Shaboom Media
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
ZIP: 94103
Address: 731 Market Street, #600
Phone: 4153674440, 8888906150
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Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Sprint Company
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Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Shaboom Media
Consumer Report