Lipo Slim Green Coffee Bean
Consumer Report


I ordered a sample just pay 6.95 shipping. I asm supposed to try for 14 days and then can cancel. Received the product on July 11, Today I got my bill that I was charged 79.99 on July 8th!!! I called the company they said I did not cancel and I only have 14 days to try. TRY means it starts on the day you plac ethe ORDER? They billed me even before I receaived the product!!! Even if this product works, the way they do business is fooling people and getting their money helplessly billed for something you did not buy. This is how this company will be end. You don need to fool people if you have a good product.

Company: Lipo Slim Green Coffee Bean
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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