Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report


I ordered a 14 day TRAIL of Lipo slim extreme and the Cleanse. I paid my $10.00 shipping and handling. According to the fine print, I had 14 days from point of ordering to cancel.
After 15 days, I had not received my trial order. I called and was told they would send it out asap, or as it happened, 11 days later.

I called to cancel the next order, full price $160.00, the second day after receiving the product. I was billed for the $160.00 after cancelling the order.

The scam is that they hold the order for at least 14 days, then ship it, so even if you try to cancel, they take the money from your credit card.

The pills elevated my heart rate. I cancelled as my doctor ordered. The trial should begin after receipt of the product, not order date.

I am still trying to get my money reimbursed.

Company: Lipo Slim Extreme
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim Extreme and Lipo Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report
Natural Cleanse Free Trial from Time of Order, Delivered 7 days late

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Green Coffee Products
Lipo Slim, Lipo Slim Extreme, Natural Cleanse, Healthier Balance, Health Products LLC, Online Nutrition Resources LLC If you are going to cancel, don't wait for the 14th day. Do it on the 10th-12th day

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Healthier Balance - Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim
Consumer Report