Lipo Slim
Consumer Report


I saw an add on FB saying that Rachael Ray had lost weight with Lipo Slim Green coffee. I thought since Rachael Ray was endorsing this product that it must be ok. I was wrong! When I received the product I took it only 2 days and it made me very sick! I called to tell them this and they said they would cancel me. I was then charged $120.00 from my checking account which over drew my account with $100 in over draft fees. I called the company and they said that I had agreed to their terms. I said I had not agreed to any terms, only the $4.95 trial! There was no where written how much the product would be. She would not put me through to a supervisor and said that someone would call me within 2 hours, no call! Total SCAM!!! Oh, and I did call before 14 days, they still charged me!

Company: Lipo Slim
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim
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