Consumer Report


I posted a larger group of cattle for sale on 2 cattle sites. A few days later I received a txt message from 646-389-3215. They asked if the cattle were still for sale, what the last offering price was, how many i had, and wanted me to email them back with more pictures at "". I got a funny feeling about this and chose to research them a little. I found out that they had scammed several other people. Just wanted to let everyone know to be very cautious.

Country: USA
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Steve Rose
$500,000 cattle fraud
Consumer Report

Haas Livestock Selling Agency
Cattle Mix Up

John H. Ortmeier Jr / Catilina Cattle group
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Crockett Natinal Bank
Weatherford Texas Branch, Kim Laws Banker Lied to me a disabled person. Took my cows and sold them after she told took my money $2,000.00 down and I was making payments above monthly payment amount

Carnival cruise
Herded people like cattle

Boshoff Beyers
Farmfreund This person advertised on Linked-In requesting agents to market a cattle immobilizer. After many emails suspicion was aroused when he no longer responded. This was an attempted scam! He is a South

Kids - Just Our Kids
I was also robbed by

Dog Training Institute
Lured me into paying $37.00 for a training book on Australian Cattle Dogs which I never received