Consumer Report


I was online when an ad came up for cheap dresses. I went into the website and it wasn't anything to do with dresses but an ongoing auction. There was a mobile phone going for around three pounds and it urged me to bid on it saying it was a free auction, which I then did. I was then to put my credit card details in to pay for the item plus p&p, which I did. I was then informed that i had subscribed at £59.99 a month. I was shocked by this and immediately tried to phone the company to say there had been a mistake that I didn't want to subscribe to anything. Someone came online and asked if I wanted to chat. I explained the situation and was told that the subscription would be cancelled. I then received an email saying the subscription had been successfully cancelled only to get another one the next day saying it would be cancelled after three months and until then £59.99 would be taken from my account each month. Very angry at this I then phoned the company where a very rude man told me I couldn't cancel unless I paid £29.00, but I told them there had been a mistake and I had already had an email saying it was cancelled but he wouldn't listen and just kept repeating that I would have to pay to cancel. I immediately told my credit card company and asked them to put a stop on any payment which they may try to take from my account but they informed they couldn't do that but they could raise a dispute with the company after they had taken the money. What do I do about this as I certainly cant afford this and it will put me in debt?

Company: Ziinga.com
Country: USA
Phone: 441138680224
Site: ziinga.com
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